Oct 2, 2010

The Invisible Enslavement Of Debt Economics and The Hidden Feudalism Of Centralized Governments

Economics is a strange school of thought, more abstract than philosophy, more elusive than religious esoterics. A religion on its own with established dogmas admired by its many followers, who zealously defend its paradigms. Economics has its ways shrouded in mystery, wielded by few.
Economics is at the center of civilization and its prosperity, having its roots from the very beginning of trade. However, it has evolved greatly since the days of trade exchange, before paper money, banks and big corporations. The world must have been a bleak place without the generous services of banking institutions and social convenience of credit cards.
In order to understand the present, one must understand the past that led to today. So, let us travel back in time and follow the events as they unfolded.

After the enlightened era of the Roman Empire with its thriving culture, science and philosophy ended, Europe plunged into the Dark Ages, plagued by diseases, misery, suffering and ignorance. Electricity was yet to be invented far ahead in the future and ordinary people knew little to nothing for the big world outside their local regions. 
However, the Renaissance arose and once again lit up the candle in people’s minds. And in the birth place of tourism, a new conception was brewing. That is usury and Venice. It is debatable just how new the concept of lending for profit was, but in Venice this concept began to evolve in what was to become the modern concept of banks.

Actually, the Templar knights were involved in usury and proto-banking services a few centuries earlier. If you wanted to travel, say on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but you didn’t wanted to carry Gold coins in your pockets, because you may get robbed on the way, you went in the nearest Templar office and deposited, say, ten coins, in return you were provided with a paper receipt carrying Templars’ seal that stated the amount of Gold you have deposited. Then, when you reach your destination you went into a local Templar office there, showed the receipt and get nine of your coins back, with one Gold coin (or more) being held as tax for the service. Neat, so convenient. An early form of Traveler’s check.
That is how the Templar knights, as an independent from the church organization, got so rich and the church, naturally, was growing envious. After all, the mighty Church was the only institution granted with Divine rights to have monopoly over land and riches, the Pope had access to more wealth than kings themselves. This was unacceptable and soon rumors of devils and evil spirits working with the Templar knights began to propagate through Europe, which ultimately paved the way for the Church to destroy the Templar order and to claim all of their riches, because the Vatican needed a new grand sealing decoration, you know.

Propaganda is nothing new in this world and rulers have used it since thousands of years. The catholic Church made a good use of it as well. So good, in fact, that the average believer today still thinks that Templar knights were some sort of devil worshippers who made sex with witches and had goat children with five heads and ten eyes, lol. 
When the bare truth is that simply Church authorities envied the wealth of those knights and used their influence to blatantly rob them, torture them Inquisition-style and obliterate their order. Such were the highly humane, spiritually-advanced ways of religion. Not very different from what we still observe today in major religions all over the world. 
There seems to be a strange part, deeply rooted in the average human psyche that needs to be duped, exploited and submitted to authority’s will, no matter how irrational and insane. History is littered with evidence pointing in this direction. There is something profoundly wrong with people. I wonder what that might be, having to do with ignorance, mental passivity and so on.

Anyway. In the 14th Century, the Church was still reluctant to allow usury, for one reason or another, but human ingenuity found a way to go around this anathema. Since, Christians were strictly forbid to do banking, the Jews saw this niche as an opportunity to secure their living. They reckoned, that if the universal know-how of the Bible forbids lending for usury to your brother, they could lend to Christians, because they weren’t their brothers, thus it was all legal and scripture-compliant. And so the banking business officially began.

At first, the money lenders on the streets of Venice were doing their business on benches along the city channels, and this gave the modern word for Bank, from Italian – Banco for bench. 
Not long after, the Church finally recognized the high profitability of banking and that it would be better instead of opposing it to join in and have a share. Thus, banking was officially de-sinned and now it was allowed under the supervision of religion, that also demanded a percentage of banking profits to be donated to Church authorities, as a sort of offering to clean their conscience in front of the Deity. This ritual is still kept today in chapels and churches alike, they even have these special sticks with a bucket at one end, so that to be able to reach believers reach-grasping-donation-cash easier. It is for people’s convenience, you know, not to make them stand up and walk accross the hall to the donation urn, so the donation urn will instead be taken to them, lol.

So, banks established as a most peculiar phenomenon of human civilization,  that gradually unleashed all the greed and lust for power that were stored in the deepest layers of human mind. However, at first all was good and for a while in the following centuries it was still good. Banks complaisantly kept in safe storage other people’s Gold in return to a modest service tax, while giving away loans to traders and people embarking on business ventures, so that European economy began to thrive and develop with a rapid pace. People were happy and bankers were also happy, everyone was happy. Until, bankers’ greed began to sprout out of control and the Fractional Reserve System was introduced. And then paper money as trading exchange standard. Then paper checks and credit cards, sub-sub-prime mortgages and complex mathematics, while the average believer’s ignorance remained more or less the same. 

Money, in the meanwhile, increasingly turned into empty pieces of paper backed by little to nothing. 
The most brilliant part of it all is that most people don’t really realize this and somehow, local and world economy work with these virtual money. Which, rather baffling situation, only proves that civilization does not need all those money in order to develop, trade and advance. Since, a great volume of money today represent no real value, everything can function just as well, without this inflated paper bulk of bank notes. Lol. After all, "Money is what people agree on to use as money".

I recommend the following documentary, as a short, yet comprehensive explanation of just what money is and how it works.

Title: Money As Debt

An eye opener, isn’t it? It is time for the general population to open their eyes and begin to think and take active role as citizens in their countries. It is time for feudal ways to die off completely. It is time for a Second Renaissance and a true Age of Reason. But if this is to ever take place, at least the majority of average people must lift themselves, mentally, intellectually to higher levels, which means no more easy dumbness and thoughtful degradation in front of brainwashing TV shows. It means making mental effort, consciously, for purposes of self-education and self-informing. This is the only way for true change to take place. Everything else is pure BS and propaganda. Realization is the first step in this journey.

You may be wondering why the title is not really unfolded in this post. Well, because I had to brake the draft into several articles and a few topics, all interrelated, but still way too long for a single posting. I will probably post them with different titles, though, instead of part 1, part 2 and so on. This post being the historic introduction, in very brief, of course. 

Self-education. This is the key. People should never stop learning, never, from cradle to grave. Question everything. Those who don't want you to know, want to control/exploit you (via your ignorance). Ponder this for a while

Tenth Amendment Center

The Big Lie of Economics: Inflation Gate


King of the Paupers said...

Jct: I'm always honored that "Money as Debt" uses my P/(P+I) equation to explain the dilemma of borrowing Principal and owing Principal + Interest when they only printed the principal from my http://johnturmel.com/biglie.htm
And don't think the pre-usury Dark Ages were so dark. It's when all the cathedrals got built and a man could earn his family's sustenance in half a year and have holidays the other half for partying and building cathedrals. Dark Ages. Not.

Ateviel Al Bulgari said...

Interesting, I'm not into economics, really, as a spesific interest of mine, but will attribute this link. Though, the video is not my creation either, I just found it's content educational. What is Jct?

As for the Dark Ages, of course, their designation as such depends on your criteria. You say that a lot of cathedrals got build, yes, I like architecture (though not a big fan of Gothic style) and consider it as a sign of culture. Though, it was mostly display of power. However, the dark ages were mostly dark in terms of popular culture, levels of ignorance among population, the Inquisition, etc.. science and philosophy were virtually put to a halt

Ateviel Al Bulgari said...

Oh, yes, Jct: John C. Turmel, I see :)