In the wake of the Wikileaks revolution, many truths, alongside lies, surfaced to public attention. Finally, we, the people, have been given the chance to read some real news, the way news should be - straightforward, no political corectness, objective and naked. The naked truth may not be as pretty as a well dressed lie, but it is what humanity needs, if we are ever to completely divorce with Feudalism and all of its subsequent reformulations present in today's world.
The US diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks team are quite an interesting reading, on the least. There is something for everyone. Still, mainstream media is keeping its distance and refrains from speaking too much or too loud about what is being revealed. One may wonder (rapt in awe), how the media is able to create a sensation out of some small, banal news, and significantly underweight another, truly sensational news. Of course, this seemingly odd media behavior is nothing but an obvious evidence of just how manipulative, unobjective and corrupt mainstream news media is/are. Are they affraid of something? Or are they simply paid far too well to bother with truth? The answer, I presume, is a little bit of both, unevenly distributed among different media groups. Also it's worth noting that, since Assange's arrest, media attention was highly diverted from the leaked documents and concentrated on the allegations and rumours surrounding Julian Assange. Which is another sensational manipulation of mainstream media.
From the news channels I regularly watch - CNN, Euronews and BBC, BBC talks about different leaked documents and their contents the most. I understand that in the US, the general perception of Wikileaks is one of indifference (not surprising, the US public is passive on mostly everything of importance) and one of hostility. That is, the general US citizen has been, after all, convinced to believe that the revealing of the diplimatic cables is something of a treason that should be despised. Some even call the media coverage of Wikileaks as "unexplainable hype", whereas I don't really see any real hype, apart from Assange's arrest sensation. Of course, those who don't realize the importance of freedom of information (and speech) are unable to appreciate all that unfolded with Wikileaks. Those who "..falsely believe they are free" the land of the blind.
Anyway, the worst part is, that when governments and corporations finally manage to offset and mute the Wikileaks revelations, the public will be fast to forget about it, aided, again, by mainstream media sources. Self-imposed ignorance and passive willingness to consent with propaganda is a great plague in the modern world and a great barrier for societies' cultural advancement.
Corporate abuse of nature and human labor is one feudal element at hand, central banks abuse of national and global economies, another. But there is one very serious trend lurking subtly beneath everything else that most successfully evades public attention and appreciation of its dangers. That is the relentless and perseverant military aggressiveness of the US government in its foreign policy and actions. People don't seem to make some very important connections and don't seem to appreciate the imminent danger that these pose, pushing the world towards a very high propability of a new world war. One that has the potential to destroy civilization as we know it so far. A third world war, the most devastating in a row.
The United States government has a history of adopting some very disturbing policies, ever since the beginning of the 20th Century. You may want to take a look at the videos in the previous posts in this blog for information on what those policies have been.
As recent history shows, American society is dictated and ruled by a policy of fear-inducing propaganda to make them consent and give up their last remaining freedoms (since those freedoms began to slowly be taken away ever since the end of the first decade of the 20th Century), all in the name of their supposed safety. This policy creates an aura of an imminent threat that is every-lurking, targeting USA from everywhere, because this elusive enemy wants to take away the freedoms of Americans. Numerous lies and entire elaborate scenarios have been devised in the past decades, portraying sophisticated enemies, that simply were not there, in the no-quite-sane aspirations of US political and related circles.
First, the main enemy was the USSR, then terrorism and Al Qaida. It is an interesting fact to know, that the name "Al Qaida" was devised by US secret agencies and was not a name that the islamic fundamentalist movement used themselves, that is, before they heard about it on the news. A small fact that speaks a lot.
Actually, the fundamentalist movement in question has its historical roots in the near past and is mainly involved in social devolutions (as opposed to evolution) in the middle east region, its name is "Muslim brotherhood" and is far from a highly organized, sophisticated terror network. Actually, this fundamentalist movement was never able to acheive serious influence over average citizens in Muslim countries and by today's date it is slowly disintegrating and fading from public interest. It is a fact, that on the recent election in Egypt (2010), the Muslim brotherhood was unable to secure even one seat in the parliament.
The biggest acheivement of the movement is the islamic revolution in Iran (1979), which is a significat, very unfortunate event on its own. However, their involvement in the entire plotting and execution of the 9/11 attacks is seriously doubtful. And the big question remains - exactly who were all the participating parties in the full planning and carrying out these attacks?
- Did US Officials have advance information about 9/11?
- Did US Officials obstruct investigations prior to 9/11?
- Did US Officials have reasons for allowing 9/11?
- Did US Officials block captures and investigations after 9/11?
The answers should surface, sooner or later.
Since the Muslim brotherhood movement is slowly loosing its grounds in the muslim world, the US government's Politics of Fear policy is loosing its enemy, without which it cannot survive. And sooner or later it will become clear that there is no serious terror threat coming from the Arab world. And that this threat, for the most part, was exaggerated and fueled by religious fundamentalists and conservative politicians on both sides a.k.a a tention artificially created and deliberately sustained, as an aura of fear and distrust in societies. The Neoconservatives in USA are the fundamentalists on their side, together with respective christian leaders and preachers. In the light of this brief overview, since the Al Qaida enemy is fading from the picture, measures are being taken to create a new enemy, actually, to revive an old one - Russia.
USA has an economy or rather a main industry in the US economy that thrives on war, that is the weaponry industry. The US is the biggest seller of weapons in the world, yet their cynicism goes so far as to always condemn other governments who also sell weapons here and there. In reality, the US condemns their competitors in the industry. It is a fact that US corporations sell weapons not only to their allies, but to their enemies as well. After all, everyone needs to be well armed in order to wage a good and profitable war.
The economic side of war is one thing at hand, another is how to win the consent of other nations and the support of the American public for all these wars. War is a highly profitable venture for Corporate America and its public justification is achieved by well conceived propaganda machine. Here is a video suggestion in regards to the war business:
Title: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006)
Another one on the same topic:
- Title: Daylight Robbery (2008)
And another, tackling the unpopular facts on terrorism and US policies of hypocrisy and blatant lies:
I also highly recommend watching the video in previous post here - The Rise of the Politics of Fear. American Propaganda, Islamic Fundamentalism and the Historical Roots of Both.
So, winning public support for the military aspirations of Corporate America is done via plain, old propaganda. The US government and associated institutions have a history of exploiting people's patriotic emotions to shape people's mindsets and make them consent to wars and giving up their personal freedoms.
I don't know how many years more have to pass in order for people to finally begin realizing all this and wake up for the reality and if they, especially, the US citizens are able to wake up at all, after decades of brainwashing, and being currently overwhelmed by trivial troubles like paying their bills, personal debts and informing themselves on the latest Hollywood gossips.
I do understand that Americans sincerely wish to believe that their government is moral, just and works for the people. Self-delusion is not going to make it so, however.
It may be harsh and morally discouraging to realize and acknowledge to yourself that things are not the way your (US) government portrays them to be, but this realization is of absolute necessity, if all this grand game of deception is to be exposed once and for all. Of course, it is not just the US government that plays this game, most of the governments in the world do. However, for instance here, in Europe, people are critical towards their governments and fight to protect their rights, while in the USA, the public is mostly silent and consent with everything. And most importantly, the most aggressive gamer is the USA. And this is nothing to be proud of.
"The new Pearl Harbor" that the US government needed so badly came in the face of the 9/11 attacks. So, convenient. Many things have drastically changed since then, mainly, the US military offensives gained momentum with the vigorous public support, the people deeply upset with 9/11 and pumped up with super-patriotism to a point of complete loss of rationale.
This is, actually, called "Social engineering", an excellent one, I'll say. By the way, there was another time in history at another place, when the crowds were so intensely manipulated to consent to irrational governmental policies, that was Germany ruled by Hitler.
German people, back then, were deprived of all their freedoms and had to support a barbaric dictatorship, while being brainwashed to praise it with ideology that told them that they had a unique role in this world, that they were free and bestest of all other nations.. and so on.
Sounds familiar?
I thought that the United States' "social" system is Feudal Capitalism. I was wrong. It is Idiocracy - a pseudo-democracy ran by fanatics based on ideologic patriotism sold to crowds of idiots. No offense, just the unpopular truth.
Americans woe to Communism, when their's even worse. And to point it out again, I'm not against American people, but the US government and their policies in place for decades in a row (almost a century even), without any difference who the president is.
But, all this is not my main point. Since the topic is so large, it's kind of hard to sqeeze it all in brief, while backing up the different points with retrospective information and some argumentation.
My main point is connecting the dots and following the path that current trends' unfolding seem to lead - a World War 3, that is. I sincerely hope I am completely wrong, but here is how things don't fit in. The visible part, which, I'm sure, is just the tip of the iceberg.
Since the United States' barbaric Policy of Fear, fueled by respective fanatical agencies, needs constant threats from outside in order to keep the US citizens in a grip of fear and thus in control, on the one hand, and to provide the US gvrnmnt with justification for military offensives on the other. And since the Muslim brotherhood movement is fading as such a threat, a threat that was largely exaggerated anyway. The US (political and corporate circles with inclination to psychopathy) are fixing their evil eye on Russia, again. Because they need an enemy in order to go on.
And the US is using another tool, apart from plain propaganda, at their disposal, in achieving to create this new enemy - NATO is that tool. NATO, a useless military organization in an age when diplomats are "building roads and bridges" with political correctness and a lot of hand shaking (for photography reasons mostly). NATO brings peace to turbulent regions across the globe, sometimes with subtle military presence (intimidation), other times with guns and bombs. Either way works fine and peace is ensured always, whether it be peace in fear or rest in peace (for those who don't comply with fear). It is a strange, strange world we live in, where people fight for peace.. literally. Trying to bring peace with the instruments of war. Well, that's just a plain primitive approach.
Primitive monkeys. Anyway. NATO, USA, World War 3. And the Eagle Guardian missile installations. Wikileaks documents. One such interesting to note is titled: US plans to defend eastern Europe against Russia.
Wait, what?! Hello, the Cold War is over, retards. There is no real threat coming from Russia for Eastern Europe or for anyone else in that matter. Yeah, Russia has its disputes with Georgia and Chechnya, but those are fueled by both sides, a situation very similar to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yeah, Poland has its bad memmories from the USSR, but they have a very bad memmory from the German Reichstag as well. It's just idiotic history ran by irrational, insane humans, men in particular. And most of all, it's history in the past. Russia is not secretly planning to converting into USSR again. This is nothing but another paranoid, schizophrenic vision of the US government. As they have a long history of such a behavior. Video here.
First off, there is NO threat coming from Russia for Eastern Europe. I live here. I see no tensions between Russia and East European countries. I see, however, growing tensions between Russia and USA over the (backed and insisted upon by the US) Eagle Guardian missile network, previously known as Space Shield or some similarly ridiculous designation. Now, second off, intially this massive missile installations plan was said to be a defense for Europe against missile attacks from Iran. That was the official version at least, before Wikileaks released these documents. While reading them and in the light of the historic behavior of the US, their strategies and policies, suddenly I realized something disturbing.
This "contingency expantion plan" is a strategy. It is a military provocation. And most of all, it is a preparation for war. Against Russia. Those missile installations are not for defense, they are a first-line of a future offense. One that has already been planned.
I'm not sure if anyone who may read this would realize the importance of this subject, its weight and public attention deficit.
It's very simple: First, the US said they want to build those missile installations, so that they defend Europe against Iranian missile attacks. Right. The universal defenders to the rescue. But now it turns out that the US, privately, says that, shhht, the installations are for defense against Russia. Huh?! Since there is no real threat coming from Russia, then what is the real purpose of these military installations? Do you know that the US repeatedly provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, so that they could join in WW2 with official arguments?
The second documents reads:
"..This is the first step in a multi-stage process to develop a complete set of appropriate contingency plans for the full range of possible threats - both regional and functional - as soon as possible.". Full range of possible threats? Stunning. I would confidently replace "Functional" with "Fictional" and will fit in just right.
"The United States believes strongly that such planning should not be discussed publicly." Of course not, why should the public have any clue where they are headed to.
"The Alliance has many public diplomacy tools at its disposal. Contingency planning is not one of them. What we should do is explore other public steps for demonstrating the vitality of Article 5, such as exercises, defense investment, and partnerships."
Right. So, when asked, don't say that "..these missile installations are for defense against Russia." Bleep, incorrect. Instead be politically polite, so that not to undermine the military plans of us. "Umh, I meant, these installations are for exercises, just a pointless defense investment, and, of course, for partnerships (for creating world peace)". Followed by loud, joyful hand clapping right after mentioning "world peace". If only words manifested into realities, we would have created an utopia a thousand times already.
This is very serious. There is no real, justifiable reason for this massive military installation, taking place so secretly, that we really barely hear anything about it here. Not long ago, about half an year or so, Russia's president Medvedev said that if NATO and USA continue with the Eagle Guardian installations, Russia will have no choice but to strenghten its own weaponry arsenals. Because, it is clear to them to whom these missiles will be pointing. The installations are in progress, thus this entire plot is a purposeful provocation with a very sinister purpose and no diplomatic effort, or faking such efforts on the side of USA. When two big powers in the world, especially former "enemies", begin to arm over military provocations, things are going to no good.
The whole "World policeman" and "Unique role in the world" BS and interventionist policy of the US is getting really annoying. Not to mention the deranged propaganda. As if we still live in the 1st or 2nd Century, not 21st. I think the world is in deep trouble, not only in terms of fictional democracy and liberties et cetera information censorship, but we are headed to another major war, people. World War 3 may escalate so fast and so soon, that it could feel like "a thunder from clear skies". Of course, the skies are far from clear and even darker clouds are approaching from the horizons.
So, with such grim future possibilities, the question is, is it avoidable? Is it preventable? Where are the minds of those politicans?! I mean, the other politicians, say in Europe, not the US politicians, who are mostly deranged as well as the policies they support. Why are people so irrational?! I can barely believe the world we live in. Insane.
Keep an eye on this issue and please, copy and distribute this article or parts of it all over the social media! There is no need for attribution, no need to link back to this blog whatsoever, just spread the word! Create awareness for this issue, bring people's attention to it. We don't need the Eagle Guardian shield, there is no threat, this missile "defense" is creating unneeded tension that can lead to war. Wake up! A WW3 must be prevented or else there will be misery and suffering for all.
We can prevent it, we the people from all over the world! Our weapon is free speech, our strenght is in numbers. Reason can prevail over insanity! The US is led by paranoid, scitzopheric policies that cannot be classified as rational nor sane, they see enemies everywhere and peace nowhere.
Title: Dealers in Death (1935)
How long is this primitivity going to continue? 75 years after the above documentary was produced, the situation still the same.
It will continue to be the same so long as people consent with it and there are soldiers willing to fight for it. As if people in the "modern" civilization are not mature enough to settle their conflicts with reason and dialogue. It is not about that of course, it is about business in wars. There is no money in talking rationale. Duh.
Here are two more clips of interest, Michael Moore interview on Wikileaks and an exerpt of Ron Paul's speech in the US Senate (ah, ancient Rome, lol). And , yes, there is something very wrong with the whole 9/11 story too, something very wrong and contradictory.
Let's change the world!! Let's change the future..
Here is another Wikileaks mirror site with the Collateral Murder video:
Click on the Wikileaks sandclock logo for more mirror sites.