Jul 30, 2008

Like Everyone Else You Were Born Into Bondage. The Bondage of Your Minds` Limited Awareness. Part one: the Ancient Wisdom

“Know thy self and you shall know God”

This old saying is not just a mirror-like mystical proverb that has long lost its meaning throughout the ages.

Indeed, on the most shallow level this proverb makes perfect sense, since we are made “In His image and likeness”, but let`s analyze the symbolics by more thorough and rigid means, after all our brilliant minds are intended to be used as much as we possibly can.

If we turn our minds` eye towards the first half of this ancient proverb and try to analyze it that is to analyze ourselves as it instructs us, we will inevitably notice something profound in the nature of our mind, of our soul. Namely, its layered structure and the jointly coexistence of the opposites in ourselves. If you observe yourself, you will reach the limits of your conscious awareness at some point, beyond which lies the vast expanse of our unconscious psyche. Your thoughts pop up out of nowhere in your mind, random memories and associations surface in your imagination, you react in ways the reasons for which are hidden and unknown and you are under the control of your moods and emotional affections.

When you try to follow the cause and effect chain that is behind all these, the reach of your awareness hits the impenetrable barrier of the boundaries of your consciousness, where it dissolves into the darkness of your psychology. And these unexplored depths of your mind contain exactly what you need to know in order for you to solve your inmost controversies, settle the uncertaincies and better your personality, while in this process of self-observation and self-analyzes you expand the borders of your self-awareness and consciousness on the whole. This is essentially the process of knowing yourself.

When you discern the existence of your unconsciousness, you have made the first step. The second step is to acknowledge the existence of your imperfections that is behavioral and characterological inferiorities and draw-backs that affect your communication and relations with others. It is this deepend awareness about your psychological world that widens and heightens the state of your mind so that you become not just the subject who experiences his/her thoughts, moods and reactions, but also the object of your observations, who creates new thoughts and emotions that react to this higher self, that observes yourself. So, there are three essential entities here: your thoughts, your “I” experiencing your thoughts and your Self observing your “I” experiencing your thoughts. You become both the subject who observes and the object of observation.

It may sound somewhat confusing at this point, but it will clear up further on in our lectures.

In fact, the presence of observing subject and observable object is a fundamental and universal law in order for any knowledge to exist. And this law applied on a universal scale creates life and all forms there are in the cosmos. When you observe yourself and gradually realize the causes, reasons and mechanisms of your psyche you create knowledge and expand the dimensions of your mind, you fill your inner universe with new life and new forms that only existed in potential before your minds` eye brought them to life. All this may sound very inspiring and even exotic in a mystical kind of way, but the process of realization is a truly incredible experience that goes far beyond all words.

Now that we discerned the essential components for knowledge formation, we can briefly turn our attention to the second part of the mystical ancient proverb at the beginning of this post.

Just as when you observe yourself and generally realize your mental factuality, so that you can confidently declare that “I am” (existing), by the same principle this Universal Entity or God declared the same for Itself. The Universe is the mind of God, the universe is the observable object that God, as the observing subject, realized and declared that “I am”. God IS, because the universe exists. Just as we are because our minds exist and realize our existence. God has no name, God is everything but a mere human being with human face and emotions and God certainly has no religious preferences. It is quite ridiculous to say that the Universe is evil or good, christian or muslim. All this grotesque religious tension is due to our limited awareness and primitive understanding. And “evil and good” are purely human qualities/concepts and apply only to human beings. This is a very ground braking and hard to wrap your mind around, but don`t try to swallow it all up at once. Analyze, imagine, observe, think, estimate and synthesize.

It is time to grow up and move on to the next level of our mental evolution, it is time to realize the universe at large. And this is it. In brief. Very brief. Yes, God is Everything. Not just everything around us, we live in the Mind of God, we are made of God. Of course, this does not makes us gods, but we are truly divine beings. Everything is Divine! Do try to think objectively and release your mind off religious dogma and stagnant narrow mindedness. Think, analyze and expand your mental horizons. Use your mental potential, do not satisfy with old, primitive limits. Evolve! We will discuss the nature of reality and go deeper into our understanding about God later on in this series of lectures, somewhere at the beginning of 2009 by schedule.

But now let us return to exploring our selves, because we have to first solve our inner misconceptions and lift our limits in order to understand the Universe and grasp it better.

And this is the meaning of the old wisdom “Know yourself and you shall know God (better)”

And the most pressing issue people need to solve globally is the limited and even lack of self-awareness and self-control. This is a process that every person has to initiate in him/herself.

The global change must begin in the mind of the individual! No one is going to do it for you, there are no magic wands, pills or brain technologies. You can fry your brain with frequency modulators or get high with psychedelic herbs if you like, but the true process of mental advancement is exactly a process, that becomes a state of your mind and a standard in your life and interaction with others. Take your life-long dose of inspiration and live by the standards of higher awareness and deeper understanding!

Do not use the old, passive ways of thinking and do not say “Well, that`s just the way I am” when addressing an inferior aspect of your character. You have the potential to build your personality and transform your inferiorities into qualities! There are no defined limits for the human mind. Just look around you, our whole civilization is a product of our human minds. All the knowledge we have and I want to emphasize on all is a fruit of the human minds. Is this not so?

Do not be simply driven by your instincts and mechanical reflexes. Observe, think, analyze.

Here is a simple and important exercise for you to begin with:

Since aggression is a major issue for humanity today, next time when you feel angry or aggressive emotions take over you, stop. Seize yourself and step out of the emotional affection. Now turn your awareness inwards and analyze. What is the reason? Why do I react this way? “He/She makes me angry.” Yes, but search for the reason not in the person there, but in yourself! Of course, this scenario is not universally applicable, for there are situations when the reason is indeed in the other and not in yourself. Say, you are angry to someone because they are ruing their life without being able to change their self-destructive behavior. Still, anger will not solve anything. Anger and aggression are primitive emotions that never solve anything, but just make things worse. So, in the longer term try to fully take control of these negative emotional states and remove them from yourself.

Have you ever thought about how excessively we use the word “hate”? “I hate milkshake; I hate work; I hate getting up early; I hate winter; I hate him/her; I hate, hate, hate….” We hate everything from inanimate objects, to situations, to abstract concepts, to our friends and family. Why do we hate so much and so easily? Why do we have to use this word at all, even in this careless and humorous way?

But the inadequate use of words and concepts is yet another topic to discuss at another time.

You must be overwhelmed by now with all these issues that you even did not considered as such and thinking “Cheese, life is so much easier when you are not that much aware of everything.” Indeed, the life of an ignorant is an easy and simple life. You just don`t bother to think about global events like the reason for religious tension, political conflicts, human behavior and nature of reality. But, again our brilliant minds are intended for to be used and used by the most out of it! Also, and this is a major misconception as well, geniuses are not born, they are made! The brain is just like a muscle – the more you use it, the better it gets!

To know yourself starts with questions, questions asked to yourself about yourself! Mental advancement consists of self-observation and self-analyzes, to search and realize the reasons and psychological motifs behind your emotional states, affections, reactions and behavior. To grasp and understand the cause and effects that shaped your character and personality throughout your life and to consciously modify and better all those negative and inferior traits that plague your self-esteem, confidence, communication and relationships.

This is the highest meaning of being a human, beyond that of evolution to simply reproduce yourself and beyond that of the social system to contribute to local and global economics like a brick in the wall. To heighten your mind is the intransitive meaning and deepest mystery of human life. And to heighten the global standards of consciousness is the only solution to humanity`s crisis.

“Knowing is not enough – you must apply! Willing is not enough – you must do!”

Bruce Lee

Please, feel free to comment.

Jul 26, 2008

What the Bleep Do We Know?! Down the Rabbit Hole

"Follow the white rabbit"

Computer instructs Neo while he dreams inside the dream.
The imaginative and wild journey this dreamy girl takes in the exquisite novel of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" written in the late 19th century captures the imaginations of generations to follow. The descent down the rabbit hole is a symbolic journey into the depths of yourself, when you turn your sight inside and peer deep into the ever darker and hidden layers of your psyche.
"Alice in Wonderland" is a must reading for every person looking for wisdom and insight. There is much hidden wisdom and guidance between the lines, when you look into the symbols that emanate from one another in a colorful chain between the real and the unreal!

It is interesting to mention that even in the oldest mythology preserved until today that of the Aboriginal people of Australia tells about the ancient times, which they call "The dream time", the time when people were walking alongside spirits and were half-awake. We will analyze some of the world mythologies` symbolism later on in our lectures.

Now, I really want to present you the ground-braking and mind-blowing video "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" that explains the quantum world in a language comprehendable for all!
Just think about it - everything around us, every object from peanuts to planets is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms that are composed of quarks that are composed of pure energy! The world we live in may seem like a solid, material thing for us, but in a fundamental level of reality it is simply made of pure energy. Different levels of energy that together makes up our world and us! I strongly recommend this movie, that will challenge the limits of your imagination and show you the world from a perspective you never thought about before.

I couldn`t find the whole movie around the video websites of the Internet, however I found pieces of it and this one is 20 mins. from the beginning. Sit back, relax and.. think!

And another 20 mins. :

There are 8 parts of the whole 1:40 mins. movie that you can watch in Dailymotion website or any other video website like Youtube, but in the Tube the movie is broken into 10 mins. parts.

If you find yourself inspired by the movie, I strongly recommend you the book, which is more detailed and things are explained even deeper for your mind to grasp and realize. You can find the book on the Amazon widget on the sidebar to the right or you can ask for it in your local bookstore!

"If quantum mechanics hasn`t profoundly shocked
you, then you haven`t understood it yet"
Niels Bohr

Jul 17, 2008

Let`s Straighten the Conceptual Curves and Clear the Fog

In my conscious experience so far I came to the conclusion that there is a general misunderstanding and a lack of understanding of all those elusive concepts and terms that are used to address the intangible aspects of the human being.

Since the ancient times of the Persian and Greek philosophers we have inherited the terminological concepts of the Soul, Consciousness and Mind. From these three many other immaterial terms derive like Spirituality, Enlightment, Insight, Revelation, Inspiration .. they all signify the intangible and hidden contents of human nature.

All these words are burdened with so much conceptual confusion and misinterpretation today, that it is hard to use them without provoking different degrees of prejudice, which is a result of this layered and accumulated misunderstanding throughout the ages.

Despite all the semantic and dogmatic misconception, the fact is that human beings are intelligent and deeply spiritual creatures. Furthermore, intelligence did put us on the top of the vertebrates pyramid, but it is the spiritual ritual that first served as a community-gatherer and fascinated those ancient predecessors of ours.

Spirituality, which later evolved into religion is this deeply symbolic fruit of the sensitive and creative human soul.

Now, let`s define some of the major concepts we often use, so that we leave the least room for misunderstanding and clear up the conceptual fog a bit.

We will start with the Mind. the Mind is a widely used concept in our everyday language and unsurprisingly so, since this term defines this essential entity that you are. Think about it, when you say “I” you generally don`t really mean your body, but this entity in your head that thinks and experiences the world consciously.

In general, the term “mind” addresses the rational and analytical abilities of our brain that distinguishes homo sapiens from all the rest living beings on this planet. This full of beauty, magical planet that gave us life! And on the other hand, the “mind” also addresses another aspect of the human brain, that we feel much closer to what we perceive ourselves to be, namely the Consciousness. Human consciousness is this phenomenon that we address when we say “I”.

The “Mind” concept is like a two-sided coin that, on the one hand signifies the “mechanical” qualities of the human brain like Intelligence, and on the other the conscious perception that the individual has for him/herself and the world.

Let`s take a brief look into Intelligence and its relation to Consciousness, since those two are both referred to by a common “mind” concept.

Intelligence is the overall evolutionary quality of the human mind due to its sophisticated design of neuron networks that give us the ability to learn, remember, think and analyze on a much wider scale and higher level than all the other animals on this Earth. Human memory capacity, for instance, is yet undefined nor there are defined boundaries of human imagination. Our ability to remember, analyze, estimate and think associatively makes us intelligent beings. Yet, intelligence as a property of the brain is not in a direct relation to this elusive consciousness of ours and specifically to the self-awareness aspect of consciousness.

There are numerous examples of this odd disrelation between ingenuity and self-awareness as in being conscious of yourself and analyzing yourself. There have been not one and two geniuses who had deep psychological controversies, unsocial behaviors and general lack of self-integrity. So, it is a fact that intelligence does not automatically lead to higher levels of consciousness as well.

Just as there are those spiritual teachers and gurus who have reached profound insights and deep understanding of their very nature and soul, yet they may not have much of what we call common knowledge of the official sciences of the day.

A controversy this is, undoubtfully. But, what causes it? And why intelligence is easier to develop than your psychological self? The human mind by default is outwardly oriented and our thoughts revolve around issues that regard the world around us in relation to us, but rarely we think about the world within us in relation to what we are. This is because of a very simple and pragmatic reason – our physical senses are outwardly oriented and our psyche has evolved on the background, where we cannot see it nor perceive it as being there. We experience its influence only indirectly as our changing moods, spontaneous reactions or thought associations and in different ways in our behavior and personality.

However, the purpose of this lecture is to briefly define the main ontological concepts we will be using much as we advance further.

We defined the “Mind” concept and its two conceptual and factological “branches” – Intelligence and Consciousness.

Now lets` take a closer look to the “consciousness” concept. As we mentioned above, the term Consciousness addresses our self-awareness on the one hand, and on the other it is used as a wider term that signifies the everyday awake state of the mind, like the opposite of being asleep. So, “consciousness” in our language defines two states of our mind – one is our average awareness of the world around us and the other is our self-awareness that realizes and observes the world within us.

As a quick note, “Consciousness” and “Awareness” are two generally interchangeable concepts that both define the same aspects of the mind. To be aware off.. something is to realize it, to observe it, to comprehend it, to notice its presence.. In this order of thoughts, we can define “awareness” as the active state of consciousness, as in running process that we are engaged in.

While, “consciousness” in modern psychological terms describes the mental wholeness of the human being, that is all your thoughts, memories, views and ideas, character and personality.

The term “consciousness” is related to the term “psyche” in this that the Psyche describes all that the Consciousness addresses in regard to self-awareness, but the psyche goes beyond and encompasses the vast, dark depths of the unconscious part of our minds. To clear it up, “psyche” is the general term addressing the wholeness of the mind in its psychological aspects of consciousness and unconsciousness. You can also think of it as the term "consciousness" encompasses your outwards perception of the world as well as your inwards (self-conscious) but excludes the unconscious part of your mind, while "psyche" relates and encompasses the whole inner, psychological world of your soul only. We are talking about semantic meanings of the words and etymological analysis here.

The unconscious expanses of our minds are very little explored, most notably in the last century with the birth of psychology as an official discipline of practical research. Despite all the amazing advancements in this field made by notable minds in the past and all the empirical knowledge on the subject that has been reflected in the books, psychology is a poorly understood matter by the wide majority of people.

Briefly, the term “unconsciousness” addresses this undefined psychological depths of yourself that unfold into layers as the newest is “situated” closest to your conscious awareness and the farthest goes beyond your individual experience and physical boundaries.

Want to see the border of your consciousness, live?! – then observe yourself! Think about, say an aspect of your personality (behavior) that you do not feel comfortable with. Maybe you are too shy? Or react inadequately in certain situations? You find it hard to fully communicate yourself to the others? Or do you have anger-management problems? Certain things in other people annoy you unbearably? Whatever it is, there is something you can find for sure.

Now, analyze! Remember the importance of the question “Why?” and sincere honesty with yourself. Honesty with oneself is essential, if you intend to deluse yourself and search for justifications you will not achieve any advancement.

So anyway, keep searching for the reasons you think might be behind your behavior and reactions. Follow the cause-and-effect chain down until you are unable to anymore. It may be a very short road, or a longer one. But at some point your thoughts disappear into an impenetrable darkness where you can not follow them any further. This is the realm of your unconscious mind. It is an interesting and very fruitful mental engagement, if you find yourself able to achieve any results. Concentration on the subject you follow is needed as well. And remember – practice makes perfect, it is a golden rule!

The “Psyche” concept is essentially interchangeable with the “Soul” concept, since they both address the same thing.

And lastly, lets` briefly summarize the conceptual definitions we deducted!

  • Mind --> Intelligence and/or Consciousness
  • Intelligence --> Rational and analytical abilities of the brain, memory capacity, imagination
  • Consciousness --> Opposite state of being asleep, realizing the world around you and/or self-awareness
  • Consciousness = Awareness
  • Psyche --> Consciousness and Unconsciousness, psychological wholeness of what you are
  • Psyche = Soul

Jul 6, 2008

What Is the Difference Between Your Psyche and Your Soul?

What is consciousness? What is to know yourself?
This elusive entity that signifies your awake self in your everyday mind set that experiences and realizes the world.

Consciousness is a term with relatively wide meaning. It has been used even before the birth of ancient Greek philosophy as a term addressing the general thought activity in your mind, your thoughts that assimilate and interprete the information you get from the world around you.

Furthermore in old esoteric systems of different periods and cultures we meet the concept of levels of consciousness, that are higher and wider than our everyday awake state of the mind, that is our “I consciousness” it is the entity you address when you say “I”.. think about this for a moment – What do you address when you say “I”? What are you? Try to describe yourself. Examine the content of this “I”, it is one of the most used words in any language, the “I” pronoun! But so rarely it is put on the place of the observable object, most of the time the “I” observes and judges the world around, as if it doesn`t notice itself at all. As if by default the human consciousness is designed to be one-sided and the conscious “I” so narrowly aware of its own self. This is so because, as incredible as it may sound (considering the long history of mankind), the human mind is not yet fully awake and still lingers in its primitive darkness of instinctive behavior and limited self-awareness.

The old wisdom speaks about self-realization and expantion of the limits of your consciousness as the highest goal and divine meaning of human life. Spiritual evolution, divine insight, Satori and illumination – all these are the state your mind acquires gradually following the path of realization. And there is more to it, there is self-control, so difficult for the ordinary human being, there is the improved communication with others and better relations, there is the inmost harmony and balance that give the person strength to advance and achieve higher peaks than the average person. And most of all there is intransitive meaning and inspiration!

In psychology the concept of consciousness is used to address the I-consciousness or Ego that is all your thoughts, dreams, memories and perceptions of the world that form your persona on the one hand, and on the other it is used as a wide term addressing your whole psyche.

Psychology can be viewed as a modern method for self-realization and improvement, just like the ancient esoteric wisdom. Though psychology as a field that explores the human soul is still in its infancy today.

Although human beings are born sensible and potentially intelligent, human consciousness develops very little and on a superficial level through the growth of the child until it becomes a fully grown adult with somewhat settled personality that in most cases will remain generally the same for the rest of its life. Intelligence needs practice in order for it to grow and develop and so does the human consciousness and self-awareness, these are the two sides of a coin, the coin of completeness. Practice makes perfect.

The concept of mental advancement has been known to humanity since ancient times. And certain individuals had been able to advance significantly above the average person of their time, becoming open or hidden spiritual leaders of their generations.

Undoubtedly humanity is slowly advancing in our spiritual evolution, but mostly our advancement is one-sided expressed in external development, while the inmost and unexplored darkness in every individual soul remains unknown.

Say some two hundred years ago people did not had the knowledge and general awareness about the factology and mechanisms of their psychology, nor they had the notions of neurosis or behavioral stereotypes. They did not knew nor thought about the reasons for their emotional unease at times and mostly had no idea how the character forms as a unique psychological set. People back then in the past lacked all the scientific knowledge we have today, yet they felt that inmost darkness in their souls, the limits of their awareness where it could go no further. People since before the written history intuitively perceived the presence of something beyond their senses, something hidden and intangible that was behind the visible aspects of nature. Alchemy, for instance, had the unconscious as an object of exploration and transformation through symbols and associations, although the alchemists didn`t really knew what exactly they were dealing with.

And long before contemporary psychoanalysis, ancient teachings developed methods and practices for mental advancement and symbolic tools for self-realization of the narrow human consciousness we are born with.

You will find yourself only in yourself” said Lao Tzu, and on the central ark stone above the entrance to the Delphi oracle there was engraved the short inscription urging people to “Know yourself

Self-awareness and expanding the limits of human consciousness were ideals that inspired great persons to lead entire nations and lay down the foundations of great religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Unfortunately, religious institutions and human narrow-mindedness and greed hid and obscured much of this pure knowledge in order to gain administrative control over the masses.

In the center of this practical method of knowing yourself is self-observation. Self-observation is a state of the mind, it is active and alert consciousness that operates on two sides, not just one. That is, you perceive and analyze the world around you, while in the same time you are aware of the world within you, so that if say someone provokes unpleasant emotions in you you will reflect on and search for the reasons about it, not simply react on impuls mindlessly.

Whether it be an aggressive reaction, insult to someone, saying something stupid or inappropriate or not being able to control your shyness etc. If you think about it, you will realize how much of your behavior is controlled by mechanisms and urges beyond your conscious will, like a toy in the hands of intangible entities, the entity of your unconscious mind.

Self-awareness is not some kind of meditation or exercise for a certain time of the day – it is a state of the mind! Self-realization is not something that happens suddenly at once. It is a gradually unfolding process as a result of the self-observation and analysis.

Human thought activity is closely related to memory. We memorize different pieces of information from different sources and in the process of thinking we assimilate and synthesize this information into knowledge and understanding. Most of the information we use to create our views, theories, ideas and discoveries comes from external sources including our five senses. But it is not until we transform and sift out this information with the tool of our thoughts and imagination that it turns into knowledge. Knowledge is information that you understand and fit into the big picture, not just something you have memorized from the books.

In our contemporary world we are overflown with information, we live on the fast lane with autopilot-on most of the time. So rarely do we stop to look around and think, to reflect on intangible matters such as the hidden reasons behind our behavior, the motifs that drive us, to follow our emotions and thoughts to their source.

The journey into yourself is a lifepath and a state of the mind when your thoughts penetrate into the deepest levels of reality and your psyche. It is when you are able to wield yourself, not the other way around. It is a tough journey and only the most determined are able to make the first steps, which are the hardest. And the journey itself is a deeply rewarding process that becomes ever more fruitful the more you persist. We have barely tapped into our potential and our ability to create a world of peace and unimaginable prosperity!

Psychic, or "psi" phenomena fall into two general categories. The first is perception of objects or events beyond the range of the ordinary senses. The second is mentally causing action at a distance. In both categories, it seems that intention, the mind’s will, can do things that – according to prevailing scientific theories – it isn’t supposed to be able to do. We wish to know what is happening to loved ones, and somehow, sometimes, that information is available even over large distances. We wish to speed the recovery of a loved one’s illness, and somehow they get better quicker, even at a distance. Mind willing, many interesting things appear to be possible.

Understanding such experiences requires an expanded view of human consciousness. Is the mind merely a mechanistic, information-processing bundle of neurons? Is it a "computer made of meat" as some cognitive scientists and neuroscientists believe? Or is it something more? The evidence suggests that while many aspects of mental functioning are undoubtedly related to brain structure and electrochemical activity, there is also something else happening, something very interesting.
prof. Dean Radin

P.S. The answer to title`s question: They are the same thing

Jul 1, 2008

Improve yourself, change the world

Despite our technological advancements, the mentality of the average person in the world is quite primitive and elemental. And our behavior is driven by our mentality, thus most of the problems in societies today are a direct consequence of those low-levels of awareness and consciousness in the average person.

“At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice, and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, political idealism and religious dogmatism.
A. Huxley

Modern peoples drift in the shadows of their confined and entangled with confusion mentality with little spiritual advancement since the age of the last prophet! And as important as education is, since it is an essential factor in every advanced society, intelligence on its own is not enough for a person to be complete. The limits of the mind are lifted only when a person looks into himself/herself and starts to analyze his/her psychological nature a.k.a character, behaviour, emotional affections. Of course, this is not a one-time analyzis that solves it all, it is a continually active process, it is a state of the mind.

Anyone who observed oneself and people around them surely would have noticed how much emotional creatures we are, than reasonable ones.

People are driven by their emotions, affections and desires. Just think about the extent to which instincts define our behaviour - we feel sexual affections or anger if someone does not comply to our wishes or expectations, interestingly love and hate are very closely related, even though opposite emotions. Sexuality is a very powerful instinct that is involved in a considerable part of our interactions with others, whether it is conscious or not. For instance, when we meet with someone, unconsciously we judge them on whether we feel attracted or not to that person. Often people have the tendency to overlook the good qualities of someone, just because they noticed some trait that they did not liked. Here is a situation I realized once, I frequently got offended by people who talked too much and kept themself in the center of attention. Until I turned my thoughts inwards and asked myself "why do I feel like that?", guided by the observation of C.G.Jung that

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

this is due to the intrinsic mechanism of the human psychology to project our negative qualities (or those that we consider as such) onto others, so that those others irritate us.. because we do not agree with those personal traits in ourselves. It can be really tough to acknowledge an imperfection to the awareness of your ego.. but then I persisted and realized that actually I am the same kind of person that talks too much and draws attention to myself.. in the same time I don`t consider this behaviour of mine as very appropriate, so other people who behave the same irritate me... because I see me in them!

This is the way our psyche works. If we understand that and begin to ask and seek the answers and reasons for what we are.... we`ll see the world in an entirely different shade – the light shade of the aware mind. It is important to ask yourself questions regarding motifs of our behaviour, reasons behind your emotional affections and reactions. By understanding yourself you greatly enchance your ability to communicate with others better and have a positive effect on all your social relations. Observe yourself, know yourself.

The most fundamental issue in the center of all disturbances and unsettlements in our world (referring to our human civilization) is the lack of active self-awareness and conscious behavior on the whole.

We do our daily programs and chores mechanically. We live in autopilot mode and rarely take a moment to reflect on ourselves. We live by laws and models dictated by dogma and stereotypes and adopt static and overdigested concepts, which we apply to our overall outlook. And from all these second-hand thoughts and behavioral frames we define our "I". And we drift throughout our lives like lost shadows of something that was never found. Your true SELF.

The most divine and highest purpose of the human beings is to know oneself, to explore and advance your mental horizons. To take a plunge in your unconscious mind and expand the limits of your everyday "I" perception.

Mental and social passivity is a true plague for the contemporary world.
There is a saying that "It is easier to raise a flag, that offer a helping hand.

Indeed, this proverb can be implicated even in our daily lives. We are unhappy with something, and that`s as far as we go. We tend to complain and do nothing to try and change what we are not happy with. We rely on someone else to make things better for us. We walk pass injustice and leave it to someone else to resolve. Most people will live through their lives in the most passive of ways, without doing anything valuable and voluntarily, without contributing with anything practical for the benefit of society (except by participating in it`s economical machine and ensuring successive generations).

It is easy to intuitively perceive that such behaviour is not right (or should I say righteous), unless you are a complete selfish hypocrit. However, the fact is that humanity is in suffering, sorrow, separation and grief. There are numerous humanitarian organizations, yet the people in the world needing help are billions as much. You don`t have to travel to another country to join the Red Cross to do your part, you can do it right where you are - in your country, your city, your neighbourhood and all the people around YOU. By being tolerant, understanding, ready to offer a helping hand for whatever you are able to, caring, compassionate. If you do not hurt others and always strive to improve yourself. Sometimes, only your solidarity with others` pain is enough to warm their hearts. Because you show that you CARE.

Don`t be rude, cold and ignorant, showing your back to the world, because the world will respond you likewise, and you will never find true LOVE, nor intransitive happiness or inmost harmony.

It is time that every person makes their part in our global society, towards peace, balance, understanding and unity. Make, do! Don`t just watch passively, go and do! Do help, do be tolerant, do try to understand, do appreciate diversity in people and find the common traits in us all. Do change yourself towards better and more complete!

Let us DO make the world a better place to live!

[ Read our - Manifesto - ]