Carl Gustav Jung, born on 26th July , 1875 in the small Swiss
Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern people rely too heavily on science and logic and world societies would benefit much from integrating spirituality and appreciating the unconscious realms.
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”
(A citation about observing and analyzing yourself)
Until the very end of his life, Jung preached in lectures, articles, books and documentaries the need for realization and integration of the unconscious part of our personality and self. He emphasized on the deepening psychological controversies and tension that accumulates in the modern human, who lives in an externally advancing world and yet achieving little to no conscious mental advancement to balance and harmonize humanity on the whole. And that is why the world is in this grotesque shape today, this mental primitiveness that is the average standard for the contemporary individual – slave to delusions, mental passivity, religious and political ideologies.. A patient and later on close friend until his death in 1961, Marie-Louise von Franz, shares one of his last confessions saying to her one day with grim and heavy feeling that he “..was not able to open people`s eyes, so that they wake up from the dream of this insanity.”. And indeed, he lived through both world wars and grieved helpless and unheard amids the confusion that permanently settled in the world since then.
Today Jung exists in the shadow of his early-age teacher and mentor Sigmund Freud, being largely not understood and his profound revelations about the nature of human soul ignored into the dusty pages of books. He lived before his time and humanity was not ready yet for such a profound step in their spiritual evolution.
the unconscious and the gateway of dreams, from which those two twilight
figures, the shadow and the anima, step into our nightly visions or, remaining
invisible, take possession of our ego-consciousness."
Carl G. Jung
Carl Jung, first row on the right, and Freud in the middle
Matter of Heart - An archive video material about C.G.Jung through the eyes of all those people who knew him in person.